So many things have happened this week that I’m grateful for, so I’ll try to brief.

1/ I received a random cheque in the mail for some money I’m apparently owed from an insurance company I used to have my car insured with. At first of course I thought it was a scam, but it turns out that the company went public and demutualized, so everyone who ever paid into it received a cut. My share is just enough to buy me a flight to Manchester this July to see my friend Candace. Candace and I travelled Australia and New Zealand together for a year 25 years ago. It will be a great anniversary for us, and an awesome way to celebrate my 50th birthday. For all of those 25 years, she has never forgotten my birthday, and I always get a nice message or something fun in the mail each year, so it makes sense that she would be part of my HALF OF A CENTURY celebrations. YAHOOOO!!!!

2/ Otis the Wonderdog had all of his yearly shots and bloodwork. Now that he’s getting older, he’ll need a bit more care, but he continues to be my best little friend, and I’m happy to report that he’s in PERFECT HEALTH for a sweet man who will turn 11 years old in May! The time has gone so quickly, and yet I can’t imagine my life without him. He also correctly predicted the Chiefs Superbowl win this past weekend, therefore securing his status as an oracle moving forward.

3/ Today as I write this, it’s February 13th – GALENTINES DAY. I am so fortunate and grateful to have so AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL, INTELLIGENT and SUCCESSFUL women in my life. Today while I was out for lunch, a table of young professional women in the tech industry came in and sat at the table beside me. Alex had hearts on her shirt and was carrying some GALENTINES DAY gift bags for each of her friends and coworkers. When she caught my eye I yelled “HAPPY GALENTINES DAY!!!” and they invited me over and gave me a gift bag.

Women supporting women, unconditionally. Unquestionably. GOOD.

“GALENTINES – It’s like Lillith Fair, minus the angst, plus frittatas.” -Leslie Knope, Parks & Rec 2010



Filed under: robinsjournal