I often wonder what it would be like to be a dog. Everything in life would be a SURPRISE!

SURPRISE…we’re going on a trip!

SURPRISE…we’re going for a walk with all your BFF’s!

SURPRISE…we’re going to the vet (which Otis LOVES by the way…)

In this past year, I’ve noticed Otis (just like me) is starting to show signs of aging. The last move we made to our latest place was really hard on him and he was extremely anxious. We’ve tried a few different things and some new techniques to help with the anxiety, and it’s getting a bit better, but sometimes he’s up at night pacing and panting with a “touch of the old.” It’s hard on both of us, but we’re managing.

Moving forward, I’m trying to make things extra fun for him so he’ll always remember the good times we’ve had together.

This week, I’m grateful for a bunch of new and returning faces on our dog walks, because HAPPY DOG, HAPPY LIFE!

xo Robin

Filed under: robinsjournal