“Gratitude helps you fall in love with the life you already have.” – Kristen Hewitt

I’m thankful for a few things this week.

1/ After almost 6 weeks of suffering what felt like never-ending COVID symptoms, I’m FINALLY FEELING back to normal again. This is a good reminder to not take your health for granted. It’s also a good reminder that sometimes, you really DO just need to rest.

2/ Now that I’m firing on all cylinders again , I’m extremely grateful for some opportunities coming down the pipe for me this fall. One of them is hosting the UPLIFT Women’s Summit back in Victoria in November. https://www.upliftwomensummit.com/

This will be an incredible gathering of many women in the business world, and it will be a wonderful opportunity to network with the best in every single field. The other is also HUGE, and I’ll post more about that over the upcoming weeks.

3/ I got to see my family over the Thanksgiving weekend, (which due to ridiculous relentless sickness), I haven’t been able to do in some time. In this picture are my mom, Carole Farrell, my brother Derek and sister-in-law Penny, and my nephews Chris and Nick. Of course, Otis and I also got out for a couple of nice long fall walks, which gave me time to reflect on a few things as I prepare to PREPARE for some big things coming down the pipe.

Happy Thanksgiving. May your table and heart be full.

xo Robin

Filed under: robinsjournal