Businesses have had to adjust to a lot because of COVID-19.

Dan Rivet is the owner of the Burger World location on Hammond.

He told BayToday they’ve gone from having to close their doors, lay off staff and only providing pick up and delivery to installing tents as they don’t have a patio.

Rivet says that couldn’t have happened without plenty of support.

“The federal, provincial and municipal governments were all on board. Whatever they could do help get to some kind of normalcy. As well, the health unit was huge,” he says.

He says they have five tents up right now and unless it’s a warm fall they plan to bring the two large ones down at the end of the Labour Day weekend.

Mayor Al McDonald says businesses are the heart of the community and they’ve worked with many businesses to create conditions where they can operate and keep safety at top of mind.

“We wanted to remove obstacles, reduce their costs and make it easy as possible for our restaurants to welcome back their customers,” McDonald says.

Rivet says it hasn’t been inexpensive to put up the tents but their customers continue to support them.

(photo courtesy BayToday’s Chris Dawson)

Filed under: Burger World, COVID-19, Dan Rivet