With election day less than two weeks away Nipissing First Nation Chief Scott McLeod has decided who he’s supporting.

He says he’s urging members of his community to the same.

“We have to look at what is in our best interests. I have come to the decision that the NDP is the best choice for us,” Chief McLeod says.

He told BayToday the final straw was Ottawa’s decision to appeal a Canadian Human Rights Tribunal ruling.

He says it ordered Ottawa to pay billions in compensation to First Nations children and their families separated by a chronically underfunded child-welfare system.

“They decided that our kids weren’t hurt enough. They’ve got to be hurt a little bit more as that’s the impact of them challenging this ruling,” he says.

McLeod says the relationship with Ottawa and First Nations has deteriorated over the last four years.

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Filed under: Chief Scott McLeod, Federal Liberals, NDP, Nipissing First Nation