A good day for Canadore College as the educational institution is above the provincial college system’s average in seven performance indicators.

That’s according to the Key Performance Indicator or KPI Survey.

Those areas include graduates securing employment in the field six months after graduating.

Canadore’s percentage is 89.3 % while the provincial average is 86.2 %.

In graduate satisfaction, Canadore is at 86.1 % compared to the provincial average of 79.9 %.

The survey says 70.6 % of Canadore students attain the graduation criteria.

That compares to the provincial average of 67.2 % .

Overall satisfaction at 78.3 % at Canadore compared to 75.7 % for the provincial average.

As well, 67.3 % of Canadore students highly rate the overall quality of the services at the college.

That compares to the provincial average of 63.6 %.

And 89.2 per cent of Canadore College students rate their program as giving them the knowledge and skills that will be useful in their future career.

The provincial average is 86.2 %.

All seven indicators

89.3 per cent of Canadore College graduates secure employment in their field six months after graduation (86.2 provincial average)
89.2 per cent of Canadore College students rate their program as giving them the knowledge and skills that will be useful in their future career (86.2 provincial average)
86.1 per cent graduate satisfaction with Canadore College (79.9 provincial average)
82.8 per cent of Canadore College students highly rate the overall quality of learning experience in their program (78.3 provincial average)
78.3 per cent of Canadore College students are report being satisfied overall (75.7 provincial average)
70.6 per cent of Canadore College students attain graduation criteria (67.2 provincial average)
67.3 per cent of Canadore College students highly rate the overall quality of the services in the college (63.6 provincial average)

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: Canadore College, Key Performance Indicators