It’s 5:30am. I’m already late for work. Tow truck has arrived to help me get my car unstuck. I thought I would be able to make it over the hump after the significant snow fall we received, but I hit a sheet of ice and lost all traction. My car is half in the bottom of my driveway and half on the road.

Tow guy arrives, completely friendly and is ready to help me get out of my predicament.

That’s when a neighbour from several doors down gets right into the tow guys face and yells that he needs to move the truck.

He says “I need to get my car going and I need the momentum to get down the road and your truck is in the way.”

Tow guy says “I’m on a service call, and I look at the road, I don’t think you’re really going to get anywhere with a car today.”

Neighbour says “Move your (expletive) truck.”I say “hey can you not see I also need to get out. You wouldn’t be able to get past me anyway until I’m moved out of the way.”

Neighbour looks me up and down, mumbles something and starts to walk away. I didn’t hear what he said but the Tow Guy says “I’m calling the cops.”

Neighbour says “Go ahead.”

A few minutes later, North Bay Police cruiser pulls up, asks whats the issue, the Tow Guy points to where the neighbour was, still trying to get his car out of the middle of the road. Cop talks to them, comes back, and I apologized for him having to come out to where we were.

Cop says “not a problem, the guy thinks he’s entitled. Said he’s going to be late, I told him ‘everyone is going to be late and you live on a circle street, go the other way’. He’s being ignorant to so call us again if there’s an issue.”

We got the car in the driveway with no further issues.

I’m blogging about this because I feel it’s important that we remember a few things on these days when the weather is our worst enemy.

1) Be prepared to be delayed and be understanding that not everything is going to go as perfectly as you planned during these winter storms

2) Check on your neighbours and see if they need help, they are most likely in the same predicament as you, work together.

3) Just don’t be an entitled jerk. It’s not that hard.

Remember to be courteous to everyone. It’s no ones fault we got hit with this snow storm and we’re all trying to deal with it and carry on with our lives. Be patient, drive safe and look out for each