It’s Halloween and North Bay Police want it to be safe for everyone.

They’re offering several safety tips.

Community Safety Coordinator John Schultz has a message for drivers.

“There’s a lot of excited kids out there, we don’t want anybody getting hurt. You know it’s Halloween, be patient, slow down and watch for these kids,” he says.

As for the kids, there’s a message for them too.

“They should wear clothing that’s got some type of reflective tape on it, or lighter in colour. If you wear something dark, drivers can’t see you,” Schultz says. “Carry a flashlight, or even glow stick.”

He also says avoid houses with the lights off.

For parents, know the route your children are taking and a check-in time and check out all the candy too.

“Inspect them to make sure nothing has been tampered with, inspect the wrappers to make sure it all looks good. If you do find something that has been tampered with, please give us a call,” Schultz says.

Home owners are advised to keep the path leading to the door free of obstacles.


Meantime, kids may be trick-or-treating in their own neighbourhoods tonight, but there’s also a few other locations to rein in the candy.

Sarge and the North Bay Battalion will be handing out treats at Gate One of Memorial Gardens from 5:30-8:30p.

Both Northgate Shopping Centre (4-6 pm) and the North Bay Mall (4:30-6:30 pm) will be welcoming trick or treaters tonight.

There’s also the 21st annual Halloween festivities at Fire Station One on Princess Street.

The popular event runs from 5 pm to 8 pm.

Filed under: Halloween safety, North Bay Battalion, North Bay Fire and Emergency Services, North Bay Mall, North Bay Police Service, Northgate Shopping Centre, trick-or-treat options